3 truths you can’t avoid if you want to grow and succeed in your business.

October 29

Honest talk?

With so much information floating around the world wide web, it can feel scary to believe if you’re cut out for the entrepreneurial world. But today, I’m going to tell you some things you need to embrace if you’re going to do this business thing.

When we first decide to dive into the world of business and entrepreneurship (especially, fellow woman - Hey sisters, I am talking to you!) many of us come with preconceived notions about the prerequisites to succeed in your business ventures. We spend our precious energy on so many things that we think we need, lined up, in order to make it big in life and business. Things like: feeling more prepared enough with diplomas, courses, credentials - or, healed through emotional stuff - or,  have our skills and offers perfected - I mean, the list can get lengthy. But you get the picture!

If I'm being true to what I have learned so far, I think half of those things are a waste of time and energy that you could be spending on building the business ( and revenue) of your dreams. The mentality of working for someone else or an organization needs to be left behind too. So today, I am here to share with you three truths you need to embrace if you want to grow and succeed massively in your business. 

1. You don’t need to be fully healed in order to move on in life and start a business.

Believe it or not, a lot of high-achievers are suffering mentally, emotionally, and spiritually because of dissatisfaction at job, the direction their life is going in, and the time they can never find to do things they’ve always dreamt of doing i.e earn more, have more control over their time and earning potential, traveling more, spending more time with their loved ones etc. Add to that list, traumas of past resentments and dysfunctional family dramas they may have to deal with. 

The identity that gets formed around all of these, can become one of the biggest obstacles to your personal success. 

I am talking to fellow sisters here again when I say this: I deeply understand how limiting beliefs we’ve all believed about ourselves, for way too long, can hold a strong grip on our freedom to live and earn the way we want and the amount we want. But I’ve personally realized that you win half that battle as soon as you realize that it’s not the beliefs that have a tight grip on you, it’s you who’s  holding onto them too tightly. Realizing that, is the first step to healing but the other half of that battle is won over time by actually moving forward with your plans and goals. You don’t wake up one day and suddenly feel healed and ready to hit play on your dreams. You can start already, in fact, in my experience achieving goals can help gain more confidence and trust in yourself - which is like a magical fuel for healing. I am simply saying this: your life is multi-dimensional and interrelated. Just like when one negative experience can sabotage other areas of life, a step in the positive direction can also support your healing journey and help eradicate the negative experiences.

2. Mindset work becomes powerful when you work on it while taking actions on your business goals, simultaneously.

There are endless; amazing personal development books, inspirational videos, and podcasts out there that all share valuable mindset expanding content and yet, you can still find yourself overwhelmed; feeling left behind on your progress. You can still feel stagnant. Why? Because when you consume and reflect on all the mindset shifting goodness and not apply it to your real life business situations, you’re really not substantiating real mindset work. 

Knowledge is useless without execution.

The best mindset work is when you act (execute) in new formed beliefs, thoughts, and behaviour, even when it feels like your insides are going to burn with discomfort - because in all honesty mindset work is hard work. 

Anyone who thinks mindset work is easy, hasn’t really done any in my opinion. Sure, it feels so good to have piercing insights when we reflect, journal, and meditate on things. Visualization is powerful. It nurtures the ground and gives a direction to focus your energy on. Otherwise, how will you know when you get there? But, in the beginning, it’s going to feel hard as eff. Because the real work starts when you start implementing and executing in life from the new beliefs, new thoughts, and taking the action that will challenge your old beliefs, thoughts and behaviour.

This is when mindset work really substantiates. And, as a leader of your business and life, it is your job to initiate it. So say yes to deep work, embracing challenges, and claiming what you’re here to receive.

3. Success follows momentum not perfection.

Let me emphasize this one: Done is better than none.

This one is clear but also one that most people struggle with when starting out. To that, I want remind you of this: People who show up win the most.

One more time, people who show up, win. 

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have everything figured out, start anyway. You are your best training ground. It’s better to begin, learn, and adjust, than to wait, perfect and find out you need to pivot in an entirely new direction. 

Focus on creating a strategy that helps you take action every day, every week, and every month and leads to MOMENTUM. Your focus should be on a strategy that gives you clear actions to take right away, instead of a strategy that is so complex that you need to practice things for months and months to perfect.

Here’s a tip for you: Pick Momentum over perfection!

One of the things I’ve learned in the past couple of years in business is to GO and DO without completely feeling ready or perfect, because when you do, you will get more results faster than if you were to wait to feel perfect and look perfect!

Leave being perfect to the Universe. You do YOU! The world needs you, in your way!

So, if you were to start right now with what you have right now, what’s the best action you can take? Don’t forget to share your insights in the comments below.

Harjot Mann, MD

Mindset & Leadership Coach