How to sell better to your audience
Businesses are built to generate revenue, but having a profitable business should not require you to be indecent and insensitive to those you’re here to serve.
In fact, being decent, practicing integrity, and caring for your audience is the clear winner to profit and revenue.
Fear mongering makes me uneasy, and I won’t stand for it.
I see the online industry marketing heavily with pain points to evoke an emotional reaction in their audience. There is a lot of fear mongering. Because these type of marketers are either seeing you only as the painful points, as victims or they’ve just learned to repeat what almost 98% of the people were doing a few years ago.
They want to leverage people’s pain points and make a profit off of it.
To me, that sounds everything less than authentic and caring. Frankly, I am interested in building a business that isn’t just profitable, but also of high service, integrity, and impact. I am interested in building my own business this way and also supporting my clients do the same, so they can also feel financially and emotionally liberated.
The fear mongering cuts across all industries.
I see the fear mongering in all industries for example: the scientific community, the medical community, the business and entrepreneurial community, the natural healing; alternative medicine community, and yes even the spiritual community.
The truth gets twisted a lot.
There is a lot of twisting of truths in ways to instil fear in people’s minds, just so people can buy from them. I am personally getting bored of being marketed to in this way. I’m done with the pain points and all other fear induced urgencies.
How about you?
If this is resonating with you, congrats, because consumers are becoming more and more conscious of the way they’re buying and they’re making empowered decisions.
This is a GOOD thing. When you see something that may not be working for you or your people, it’s an opportunity to seek what else can work. It’s a chance to create a better way.
Building relationships and connections is the new way of marketing successfully.
One of the things I have personally seen working in almost all industries is connection and relationship building. Prospects just want to know that you give a damn about them. If you genuinely care about solving their problems, and show that to them before they’re willing to pay you, you’re always going to win.
Here are things you can do to build better connection:
Ask questions to understand their needs
Listen deeply to what they say, stay curious and ask them to tell more.
Care. Actually care about what they’re saying and going through.
Stay visible and communicate what you can do for them. Only offer things you have expertise in and things you know for sure you can deliver on.
Encourage them to be autonomous. This gives them the space to make empowered decisions for themselves.
The key to these relationships is trust.
Trust is not built with big grand gestures, it’s built in small increments. So, if you show up caring about your people even in small moments, they will trust you more. When they’re ready to work with you, you’ll be the first person they turn to.
Harjot Mann, MD
Mindset & Leadership Coach