The importance of rest in your business.
Your wellbeing creates the wellbeing of your business.
Listen to your mind and body’s needs.
Your body will always tell you when it needs rest, and listening to its needs, and fulfilling those needs is not only important for your wellbeing, but also for the wellbeing of your business.
When we get into a rut, our work can feel uninspiring and tasks can feel like a burden. Although you won’t always feel excited and full of fire in your business, you still have to show up and do the work on such days. However, some days, especially when you’re feeling tired and physically unwell, it’s important to take time off to give your mind and body what it needs.
Resting can boost your productivity.
I’ve come down with a bad cold this week. I woke up Sunday with a very painful; sore throat. I showed up to my Sunday obligation at 4:30 AM, held a meditation circle for a spiritual community I am building, had an absolutely heart-filling meditation and dialogue around self-love, and then? Then, I went back to sleep and slept for another 5 hours. Normally, I would have continued to do some work. When I woke up from my super-long nap, I had a little more energy, and was able to get some work done and even catch up on some reading. If I had pushed through the body aches and tiredness, I would have wasted time and created lower quality work, if any.
No one else can teach you what your easeful life and business looks like, you have to be the one willing to experiment, stay aware, and practice gracefulness to figure out how to create the most coherence and balance.
When you tend to your inner needs, you create better experiences and outcomes outside.
The more you prioritize your health and wellbeing, the more productive and successful you become in your business.
Harjot Mann, MD
Mindset & Leadership Coach